Setup: 2 students accused of distributing nude photo of teacher
Punch Line: She gave them 2 D’s
Writer: Lee O. Valentin
Joe shows how the writing techniques in his book apply to some jokes about current events.
Setup: 2 students accused of distributing nude photo of teacher
Punch Line: She gave them 2 D’s
Writer: Lee O. Valentin
Setup: Italian court finds link between cellphone use and tumor
Punch Line: But the good news is, the tumor gets great reception.
Writer: Niki Galiano
Setup: Boy Invents Device to Prevent Hot Car Deaths
Punch Line: He calls the device a “Window.”
Writer: Andrew J. Barlow
Setup: “Humble-brags” about being overworked are the new status symbol, study says.
Punch Line: I was going to post a funny response but my boss wants a 30-page report on his desk by 4 pm.
Writer: Jimmy Luberto
Setup: Tebow homers in first at bat of minor league debut
Punch Line: But refused to go to first base until he’s married
Writer: Eric Neil Horn
Setup: Kim Kardashian Wants Baby №3, But “Doctors Have Told Her No.”
Punch Line: Actually, their words were, “Please, no.”
Writer: Aaron Ring
Setup: Uber president Jeff Jones steps down
Punch Line: Their next president is 8 minutes away in a blue Nissan.
Writer: Gary Anthony
Setup: Report: Trump’s 2005 Taxes Revealed
Punch Line: I can’t believe he claimed every illegal immigrant as a dependent.
Writer: Ben E. Bram
Setup: How to Relax in Five Minutes
Punch Line: Try not to focus on the fact you only have five minutes.
Writer: Madison Gerrell
Setup: Brazilian scientists bake bread out of cockroach flour
Punch Line: The bread rises faster when you turn the lights on.
Writer: Willie Robinson