Setup: Man Attacks Golden Arches at McDonald’s say Police
Punch Line: Authorities charged him with a McDemeanor.
Writer: Seamus Kirst
Setup: Man Attacks Golden Arches at McDonald’s say Police
Punch Line: Authorities charged him with a McDemeanor.
Writer: Seamus Kirst
Setup: This Dog Couldn’t Close His Mouth, So He Got Braces
Punch Line: Finally, a situation where a dog’s bite was literally worse than his bark.
Writer: Brett Anders
Setup: Amid stories of Trump’s alleged past sexual activity, admin focuses on abstinence-only education
Punch Line: This abstinence presentation contains graphic photos of Trump having sex and is proven 100% effective.
Writer: Catt Crawford
Setup: A ‘9 to 5’ Remake with Jane Fonda, Lily Tomlin and Dolly Parton Might Happen
Punch Line: It will be called “Working to 95”.
Writer: Ruben Anthony